Sharing Your Story

If you have a story you'd like to share about any topic of substance and social relevance, we'd like to hear from you. Email us at and let's discuss ideas. 

The goal of creating these stories is increasing awareness about important topics, so it is important for you to understand that the story you share will be public on our YouTube channel and possibly other media platforms. If you have any reason why the story you wish to share cannot be made public immediately after the edited draft is reviewed, you should let us know in advance.  

First, you'll sign a release similar to this (opens in a new window). The interview process is a casual, relaxed, simple conversation. You can start and stop as you like and repeat anything you'd like. There's no need for notes. You're talking about a topic you know painfully well.

After the interview is recorded, we'll edit the raw material into something concise and impactful that tells your loved-one's story, complete with suitable visuals, graphics as appropriate, possibly music. 

Whatever you're fond of or proud of. You should be comfortable. Solid colors, prints, patterns, t-shirts are all fine. Darker colors tend to look a little better, but it is really up to you. 

You know your loved-one's story. Give it some thought and identify the key points you'd like to reinforce with supporting material. Here's a list of possibilities:
- Digital photos/video that relate to the story, ideally at original resolution (about twenty is ideal)
- Evidence photo/video files (if applicable)
- Official documents such as toxicology reports, relevant court documents, or other material as pdfs other digital files (if applicable)
- 911 call (if applicable - may require a FOIA request to the responding agency)

You can email your material to or you can bring the material on a flash drive.  

You will have the opportunity to review your loved-one's story for accuracy before it is made public on our YouTube channel. We will publish the video to the Texas Pictures YouTube channel soon after it is completed. You'll be free to share the link or embed the link into websites and through social any way you wish. We will share the link to your loved-one's story through Facebook, Instagram and other social media. 

The actual video must always play from the Texas Pictures YouTube channel (all the videos on this website are embedded links that play from YouTube). This enables us to effectively track views, identify trends and develop strategies to further increase awareness.  


A storyteller from California describes the experience of sharing her story and the process of arranging a Storytelling Summit.

Two storytellers share their comments about the experience of sharing their story.

 Glen and Amber were super accommodating to my needs for the interview, as I had experienced not such great interviews before. Glen made it so easy to share Cam’s story and I felt he captured the most important parts. Also, I was thoroughly impressed that he included my comments regarding the mistreatment from EMS and the Austin Police Department. Thank you Glen & Amber for treating me like a human being, and being so compassionate and gentle with the story.           
 – Chelsie Eades “Cameron White’s Story” 

Doing the video Glen and Amber made us feel very comfortable in a difficult situation they explained step by step and even had us laughing. We are very happy with our film. [King Ryan's] legacy was told not just his tragedy.       
 – Janet Zarate “King Ryan’s Story” 

Glen and Amber made me feel so comfortable and I realized afterwards, I needed to share my son’s story. An experience which I benefited from greatly and will be forever grateful. I needed to hear Casey’s story, our story. Glen was able to capture the sorrow and heartbreak I have felt, and will always feel. I pray that our stories make an impact and helps save lives from this horrible drug epidemic that is destroying our lives.   
 – Carilu Bell “Casey Copeland’s Story” 


We're in the early production stages of a feature-length documentary about the extreme dangers and devastating impact of this terrible drug. The finished film will be a rough, gritty kind of production that presents the harsh realities of illicitly produced fentanyl with graphic, real-world footage and interviews with users, former users, victims' family members, law enforcement, first responders, and others. 

The film will be similar in style to a documentary we produced in 2018 in cooperation with the DEA, Houston Police Department, BACODA, City of Baytown, and others about the dangers of synthetic cannabinoids. Click this link to view that award-winning documentary:  The Last High


2323 Clear Lake City Blvd
Suite 180-219
Houston, TX  77062
713 384 8108


4500 Woodman Ave
Suite E1
Sherman Oaks, CA 9142
713 384 8108