Stories that matter

Texas Pictures is a full service video production company, providing all the services you'd expect - concept development and scriptwriting, 4K video production, turnkey documentary creation, social media content, animation, commercial photography, even print - comprehensive, trouble-free services that you can depend on.

We're very well equipped, but anyone can buy gear. What sets us apart is that we work to achieve far more than just making your project look good. We work to make your project communicate the message that is important to you.   


Fentanyl Poisoning series - 150+ stories (opens YouTube playlist in a new window)

American Peace Officer series - 5 stories (opens YouTube playlist in a new window)

The Journey from Addiction to Recovery series - 13+ stories (opens YouTube playlist in a new window)

Trafficking in America series - 7 stories (opens YouTube playlist in a new window)


2323 Clear Lake City Blvd
Suite 180-219
Houston, TX  77062
713 384 8108


4500 Woodman Ave
Suite E1
Sherman Oaks, CA 9142
713 384 8108